Thursday 23 May 2013

Frog Plasticine

We have learned a lot about frogs.  We decided to represent what we've learned using plasticine to show their habitat. 

Tuesday 14 May 2013


We have talked a lot this year about inferring, that is making a good guess based on evidence.  I brought in some pictures to show the class and asked them to infer what they think I did the night before.  Can you guess?

Monday 13 May 2013

Growing Flowers

Our art this week showed how to grow spring flowers in a container.  We used white crayon as our resist to show the roots after they were painted over.  We used coloured crayons as the resist for the stems and flowers. 

Saturday 11 May 2013

Oh boy! The frogs-to-be have arrived!

Luckily, my parents have a pond in their back yard in St. George.  My oldest daughter Holly was able to catch some tadpoles and two sacs of frog eggs from there.  We are going to watch their development over the next couple of weeks. 

Here is the pond they came from:

Here are some of the frogs that live in that pond:

Here are the creatures when Holly first caught them.  She put them in a cooler to start, then moved them to a large container:

They went for a drive to get to school (I kept them between my feet so they wouldn't tip over):

The kids were excited to meet them:

Mrs. Lee lent us a tank to move them to: